Canadian businesses have high expectations and unique IT needs. We offer cost-effective, bespoke solutions for the always-on business with maximum performance and security with minimum administration. Efficient.
Canadian businesses have high expectations and unique IT needs. We offer cost-effective, bespoke solutions for the always-on business with maximum performance and security with minimum administration. Efficient.
Keep servers at your site when it makes sense. Host servers that don’t. Cloud use driven by business objectives and context not relocating servers. With an understanding of your business and systems we architect the delivery.
Your backup datacenter in our datacenter. Cloud backup and disaster recovery in one. Cloud Connect provides a fully integrated, fast and secure way to backup, replicate and restore from the cloud. You can even use Veeam software for your local backup included with Cloud Connect. No other backup software necessary or annual support fees.
Exchange server design, configuration, migration and support
Hosted Exchange – Use our servers to host Exchange. Secure, fast and includes all hardware and licenses.
ExchangeArmour – Stop SPAM and viruses before they get to your server
MailArchive – Backup Outlook, Exchange, 365 or Gmail. Total protection against data loss. Fast full-text search of email and attachments. Reduce mail server workload.
Microsoft Exchange, Active Directory, File, SQL, Web, VMWare,
Hyper-V. Internet, routing, firewalls, Wifi and switches.